Add a new Page
- Section selection - site map of all pages, use to choose where the page will be placed on the site
- Title - Public display for page title
- Name - Unique internal page name (displays in URL), clickable to change name
- Active - choose whether the page will be active to be viewed by the public (radio buttons: yes/no)
- Show in menus - choose if the page will show in the menu selection on website, page can still be viewed by public (radio buttons: yes/no)
- Locked - choose whether page can be edited or modified, locking a page prevents any edits until it is unlocked (radio buttons: yes/no)
- Redirect to a page - choose to redirect this page to another existing page on the website (ex: "About" page redirects to "Bio" page)
- Redirect to a URL - used to have a page link go to another website
- Meta Tags (plugin)
- Keywords (comma delimited) - provides Search Engine Optimization (SEO) capabilities per page
- Sidebar displays available content modules - "Add Content"
- Text Blocks - primary content type added to a page
- Add a new Text Block
- Title - Public displayed Page header
- Name - automatically creates internal Page Name
- Content section (WYSIWYG Editor)
- Can display default CSS styles by changing account settings
- Embed image and copy/paste from Word options
- Properties section - metadata, not used as content on the page (used on case-by-case basis per vendor)
- URL: used for linking Title or Image to another URL
- Image: Associated image, not displayed as part of the Text Block
- Add an existing Text Block
- Select an existing Text Block by Title and Name in the format: Title (Name)
- Group
Properties - Text blocks can be grouped together with Section header
(Useful for blocks of related text that have similar properties, ex.
Biography, current, past, family information)
- Clicking in top (green) area of a text block allows for management of Properties and Display Options
- Properties - changes the group title for display on website
- Display Options - allows control over how the text block will display on the website
- Template Placement - skin-specific location of a Text Block
- Sort By: Drag Order/Order Value, Date Updated
- Sort Order: Ascending/Descending
- Clicking in top (green) area of a text block allows for management of Properties and Display Options
- Add a new Text Block
- Links
- FAQs
- Audio - audio files
- Forms
- Images - photo gallery
- Videos - video files
- Files
- Post Types - Creates a browser on the webpage to view Posts
- Select Post Type for display on the webpage
- Post Type can be edited here, see below for more information
- Group Options
- Properties
- Title (public display)
- Display Options
- Layout: Browse by Month & Year, Digest, List
- Display Group Title: Yes, No
- Detail Page: Post Type Default Page, This Page
- Sort By: Date Written, Date Updated, Title
- Sort Order: Ascending Descending
- Item(s) to Display: # of items
- Display Date?: Yes, No
- Display Time?: Yes, No [inactive feature]
- Limit Display To: All, Upcoming, Past
- Labels
- Labels
- Label Types, Labels
- Properties
- Developer Actions
- Text Blocks - primary content type added to a page
- Relative URLs for internal links
- Moving, editing and removing content modules from a page
- Placing cursor over module name "i.e. Text Block(s):" brings up orange highlight with options: Remove, Edit
- Clicking and holding down on "target" symbol allows modules to be moved (reordering is automatic)